KnobControl.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is KnobControl.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, KnobControl.ocx is developed by Nimble Software for KnobControl ActiveX Control Module and is a product of KnobControl ActiveX Control Module.   File…

Knob.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Knob.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Knob.ocx is developed by Global Majic Software, Inc. for GMS Knob ActiveX Control and is a product of GMS Knob ActiveX Control.…

Keysta32.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Keysta32.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Keysta32.ocx is developed by Microhelp, Inc. for KEYSTAT OLE Control DLL and is a product of KEYSTAT.   File Information File name:…

Keyhelp.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Keyhelp.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Keyhelp.ocx is developed by KeyWorks Software for KeyHelp Module and is a product of KeyHelp Module.   File Information File name: Keyhelp.ocx…