Wfica.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Wfica.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Wfica.ocx is developed by Citrix Systems, Inc. for Citrix ICA Client and is a product of Wfica.   File Information File name:…

Webster.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Webster.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Webster.ocx is developed by Home Page Software Inc. --  for Sax Webster Control and is a product of WEBSTER HTML Control.…

Webimage.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Webimage.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Webimage.ocx is developed by Corel, Inc  for WebImage ActiveX Control Module and is a product of WebImage ActiveX Control Module.   File…

WebClnt.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is WebClnt.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, WebClnt.ocx is developed by Cognizance Corporation  for Cognizance Identity Manager and is a product of Web Logon Client.   File Information File…

Wce300intrinsics.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Wce300intrinsics.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Wce300intrinsics.ocx is developed by Microsoft Corporation  for eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0 and is a product of Microsoft CE 3.0 Intrinsic Design-Time Control…

Wce211_1.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Wce211_1.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Wce211_1.ocx is developed by Microsoft Corporation  for Microsoft eMbedded Visual Basic and is a product of Microsoft CE 2.11 Intrinsic Design-Time Control…

Wbocx.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Wbocx.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Wbocx.ocx is developed by Stardock.Net, Inc  for WindowBlinds : DirectSkin and is a product of WindowBlinds : DirectSkin .   File Information…

Wbclsdsr.ocx Download | OCXPEDIA

What is Wbclsdsr.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, Wbclsdsr.ocx is developed by Microsoft Corporation and Consulting for WebClass Designer Object Library and is a product of WebClassDesigner.   File Information…


What is WB9ENT.ocx OCX stands for ActiveX controls, WB9ENT.ocx is developed by Polar Engineering and Consulting for WinWrap Basic and is a product of WinWrap Basic.   File Information File…